
All information viewed throughout this website is for information purposes only, used to educate the public and the clients of Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc. Any definitions, terms and/or descriptions of coverage, if differing from policy wordings, the policy wordings shall prevail. For anything to be binding, you must speak with a licensed representative of Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc.

The information provided on this website is to assist you in having a general understanding of insurance and in no way do they represent the full legal definitions of all terms, conditions and exclusions as contained within an insurance policy.

Further, any discussion, mention or display of coverages and products on this website are for informational and educational purposes only, in order to facilitate any conversations you might have with a licenced insurance representative from Brokers Trust Insurance Group Inc.

Should, in the event, there be any discrepancy between the definitions and/or the coverages and products as stated within this website, and those as stated in the policy wordings themselves, the definitions contained in the policy wordings shall take precedence.